Salty Porky Facebook! POST COVID I comin!
So IF you know me you'd know that I had a magical childhood. I spent many an evening scrambling to do homework running between piano lessons and state dinners at the President's house or awards at the Prime Minister's residence. While most were in bed I was struggling to keep my eyes open as limbo dancers twirled by flambeau or jumping out of sleep's grasp, startled, when audiences erupted in ovation. Yes that's me, International superstar before I was even a teen. Some TV stations still play my music video at Christmas time; cute as can be in my duck-egg-blue bowtie and cummerbund to match. As a result of my early adventures, constant rehearsals and a few other things, very early on I became the friend that's not coming. Especially these days, where I big and fat, if it's not something real easy and casual like going to Starbucks to people watch or to the movies or beach, I'm not coming. I've been on lockdown now for at least 6 months, or at le...