I absolutely adore makeup and what it achieves when it is correctly applied. My name is Sunil W and I’ve been using makeup for a number of years. It’s been my pleasure to have worked on a wide range of people from drag queens to brides, models and beauty queens and of course John and Jane public. I became interested in makeup application in the later part of my teenaged years when assurances that my acne filled skin would soon clear up, failed to come to pass. At that time, my focus was creating fresh flawless skin, a task which would prove a lot more difficult than I imagined. Now, 462 pots of foundation, millions of foam wedges later, I’ve become recognized for my work and willingness to share my skill. There is only one fixed rule in makeup application; HAVE FUN! Everything else can be manipulated to achieve the desired look A person’s makeup kit is actually their personal bag of tricks. Once you understand the basics of makeup application, you’ll soon realize that what is r...
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