PSA - Your Sister's Keeper

To my sisters, females specifically. 
You need to be each other's keepers. 
There are often situations where a woman is beaten or killed or the victim of some other kind of abuse or violence and one can hear other women ill-speaking her or supposing that the woman is somehow at fault. 
There is NO REASON for violence or the abuse of ANYONE much less by a man against a woman. I've heard women say things like "well and she want to horn?" OR "she must be do something form him to beat her so". 
I've even heard a woman say "well look how she does be getting on; SHE LOOK for that". 
MADNESS. MADness I say.
If women are not looking out for women then who is?
Bcuz guess what; these men, who you fighting for and clamouring over and giving a pass and whatnot, they gonna do the same thing to you. 
The next time you hear someone utter some foolishness about "she Look for dat" ask her if she would say the same if it were her own daughter or sister or best friend. 
The sad part is that there are some women who would have to stop and think about the answer. 
This has been a Public Service Announcement

Life - It ain't easy but it sweet!


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