"Straight man" Chronicles - Ep.1

You come to me in front the main building. I in form 4 you in form 5 both in uniform. 
You ask me some questions then proceed to tell me all that you and some man 'does be doing' in the evening when yuh mother think yuh gone lessons. 
I listened graciously and filed the information away in the REDACTED part of mih brain.
I haven't seen you in 13 years.
I run into you unexpectedly and we exchange pleasantries. 
Only to get a facebook message from you saying you'd "rather we don't speak if we see each other again bcuz you not on boys DESPITE what you told me when we were at school and I just need to understand where you coming from."
Nigga all I said to you was HI and Long time no see. followed by "right, right. well take care".
Now you were one of the boys in blue with known family name.
I fed up say what the bullers know could ruin lives.
Don't even breathe when you see me next sir bcuz I will have to UN-REDACT yuh file and leave it open in a public space for people to see.

Yours Sincerely.
Records and Registration

Life - It ain't easy but it sweet!


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