PSA - Don't sell your pain...for FREE !

Ladies, when did it, become OK to sell your dignity and emotional well being for attention from a man? When did it become OK to forgive a man who has disrespected you without him having to even apologize? When did it become OK for a man to come to you with the expectation that your body is a tool to facilitate his masturbation? 
When did it become OK for a man to put his hands on you in violence and then you explain it away as "a bad day" to the very friends that came to help you out of the situation? 
When did it become OK to subject yourself to the rages of a man-child that has not learned to communicate or control his anger? 
When did it become OK to shackle yourselves to a man who is emotionally unavailable and then subject your children to that man for at least 18 years? 
When did low self-esteem become the norm? 
When will it be OK to stand up for yourselves? 
When will self-preservation finally take root in your minds? 
How will these men do better if you allow them to use you and then throw you back OR worse yet use you until you are all used up? 
What about being of use to yourself? 
Ladies when did it become OK to trade yourself in for a little male attention. 
Is it that serious? 
Haven't you prayed and cried enough? 
This has been a Public Service Announcement

Life - It ain't easy but it sweet!


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