Salty Porky Facbook! - Pre-dawn Old girls

Good Morning. I need a representative from the Old Folks Association to help me out with this one. Where THE HELL old people does be walkin going at 4 and 5 in the morning? I've observed over the years that its especially little old women walking on deserted streets in POS BY THEMSELVES. By yourself on Duke Street At 4am? Richmond Street 430am? On the loneliest of streets Oxford Street Really? Where could you be going? Is there a geriatric flexx-out that y'all hustling home from? This is not safe and I'm often so worried about you all. Stay home until the sun begins to rise. See if you could turn some flour and make a bake. Entice yur children out of bed with said bake and they will drop you where you need to go. Unless its really a granny orgy or something like that and then that's just nasty. Concerned, Management Life - It ain't easy but it sweet!